US, Saudi leaders to meet after Paris attacks

US President Barack Obama will hold talks with
Saudi Arabia’s KingSalman on Sunday, a US
official said, as world leaders seek a united
response to the Paris assaults claimed by
Islamic State jihadists.
The US and Saudi leaders plan to meet on the
sidelines of a two-day summit of the Group of 20
top economies in the heavily guarded Turkish
Mediterranean resort of Antalya where the battle
against jihadist violence is on the leaders’
agenda, the official said.
The Paris attacks, which killed 129 people, have
sent a jolt through the gathering, where leaders
will try to forge a joint statement on the attacks
and narrow a deep divide over conflict-riven
Washington and Riyadh are part of a US-led
coalition that last year launched an air campaign
targeting the Islamic State jihadist group which
controls swathes of territory in Syria and
neighbouring Iraq.

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