Telephoning with Skype soon to require only invitation, no user account

The internet telephone and messaging service Skype has so far been limited to those with active Skype user accounts, a report said on Wednesday.
“However, soon, non-members will be able to talk via Skype if they get an invitation from a registered user,’’ it said.
It added that the invitation has to come in the form of a link, which would give the guest access to the service through the Skype for Web browser function.
“The service is already available in the U.S. and Britain, with plans to roll it out worldwide in the coming weeks,’’ it noted.
ReportS say Skype is not the only service offering free video telephoning without installing software or registering, as there is also or Hello, which is integrated into the Firefox browser. “Both services allow outsiders access by letting users send them links,’’ it added.

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