Biography of ministerial nominee, Isaac Adewole

Incumbent Vice Chancellor, University of Ibadan (UI) and one of the ministerial nominees of President Muhammadu Buhari, Professor Isaac Adewole, was on Tuesday, screened by the Nigerian Senate.
Professor Isaac Adewole
Professor Isaac Adewole
With a 32 years working experience as a physician working in Nigeria and 23 active years as a Clinical teacher in College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, the Senators took on Prof. Adewole with questions bordering on the health sector of Nigeria, among others.
However, below is the full profile of the erudite university don, whom according to speculations may be designated as Minister of Health in Buhari’s cabinet.
Adewole’s Full Profile:
I have 32 years working experience as a physician working in Nigeria and 23 active years as a Clinical teacher in College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, one of Africa’s best medical schools.
I have served in administrative position over the past 10 years as Head of Department, Dean of Faculty and Provost of the College of Medicine.
I am Principal Investigator of the PEPFAR Program in UCH, Ibadan as well as the Liaison of the UCH component of NU AIDS International Training and Research Program (AITRP) and Frameworks grants (Fogarty International Center/NIH) which provides research training for pre- and postdoctoral scientists and clinicians.
The NU AITRP currently has established collaborations between NU and UI/UCH and Jos University Teaching Hospital and is responsible for overseeing the planning, execution, and evaluation of the short, medium and long term research training programs.
I am the Co-Principal Investigator of an International Study on the Fertility Intentions of HIV Infected persons funded by the NIH.
I am the President Elect of the African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC).
My primary duty is to fashion a 5 year strategic plan for the organization and develop Capacity of African Physicians and Nurses to manage, treat and prevent cancer.
I have been involved in developing innovative curricular for medical schools in Nigeria with support from MacArthur Foundation and the UNFPA. Our work has featured integration of Reproductive and Adolescent Reproductive Health into the curriculum of medical Schools in Nigeria.
Ilesha Grammar School, Ilesha (1966-1972)
University of Ibadan, Ibadan. (October 1973-June 1978)
Academic Qualification (with dates and granting bodies)
West African School Certificate (O/L),
Division One With Distinction (1970)
Higher School Certificate (A/L), (1972). AAC.
University of Ibadan, Ibadan. MB;BS June 1978.
University Education (with date)
October 1973 – June 1978: University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Professional Qualifications and Diplomas
Fellow, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, (FMCOG). May 1986
Fellow, West African College of Surgeons (FWACS). January 1994
Fellow Nigerian Academy of Science (FAS) January, 2011
Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes
Bixby Leadership Fellow, Guttmacher Institute, USA -2008
Federal Government of Nigeria Postgraduate Scholarship Award 1981 (For
Postgraduate Study in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Fellowship, West African College of Surgeons 1981
National Award Scholar, University of Ibadan 1973-1978 (Undergraduate)
Glazo Allenbury Prize for the best overall performance in Paediatrics – 1978
Vice-Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 01 December, 2010 – November 30, 2015.
University Working Experience (with dates)
Adjunct Professor, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA –
May 1st, 2010 – date
Professor, College Of Medicine, University of Ibadan – October 1st, 1997 – date.
Provost, College of Medicine, University College Hospital, Ibadan,
Nigeria – August 01, 2002 – July 31st, 2006.
Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences & Dentistry – August 01, 2000 –
July 31, 2002.
Acting Head, Department of Obstetrics/Gynaecology, University of
Ibadan – 1999-2000.
Senior Lecturer, College Of Medicine, University of Ibadan – 1992 – 1997.
Lecturer 1, College Of Medicine, University of Ibadan – 1989 – 1992.
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist, UCH – March 22, 1989 – date.
Consultant Obstetrician/Gynaecologist, Royal Crown Specialist
Hospital, Ibadan – 1985 – 1989.
Research Fellow – Department of Medical Oncology, Charring Cross
Hospital, London – 1985 – 1986.
Senior Registrar, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University
College Hospital Ibadan – 1984 – 1985.
Registrar, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College
Hospital, Ibadan – 1982 – 1984.
Senior House-Officer, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University
College Hospital, Ibadan – 1981 – 1982.
Medical Officer, Adeoyo Maternity Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria – 1980 – 1981.
National Youth Service Corps-General Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria – 1979 – 1980.
House-Officer, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria – 1978 -1979.
University Administrative Experience
Member – Governing Council, University of Ibadan – 2007- till date.
Member (In attendance) Council – Governing Council, University of
Ibadan – 2002-2006.
Member, MacArthur Grant Implementation Committee, University of Ibadan
– 2002-2006.
Member (In attendance) Principal Officers Meeting – University of
Ibadan – 2002-2006.
Member of Senate, University of Ibadan – 1997 till date.
Member, Committee of Provost and Deans – University of Ibadan, Ibadan
– 2000-2006.
Chairman, University Campus Committee of AIDS – 2003-2006.
Chairman, Committee on Evaluation of Academic Staff – 2004.
Member, Committee on Review of Guidelines for Promotion of Academic
Staff – University of Ibadan – 2001/2002.
Member of the Organizing Committee of NUGA – 2002.
Chairman, Medical Subcommittee – NUGA 2002.
Project Director: UNFPA Assisted Programme on Sexual and Reproductive
Health and HIV Prevention, University of Ibadan -2006 till date.
Management Experience – National and International
Member, Governing Council, Association of Commonwealth
Universities(ACU), London 2013-2015
Member, Cancer Ethics Committee( IEC) ,International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) 2013-2015
Immediate Past-President, African Organization for Research and
Training in Cancer (AORTIC) 2011-2013.
President-Elect, African Organization for Research and Training in
Cancer (AORTIC) 2009-2011.
Chair – Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV
National Task Team-February 2010 – June 2011.
Visiting Scholar – Guttmacher Institute, New York, USA 13th Oct – 7th Nov 2008
Member Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) -HPV-019/020/021
International Studies in Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa- 2008 till
Chair- National Panel on Cervical Cancer Control Policy- July 2009 till date.
Chairman, PMTCT National Task Team, sub-committee on Research – March
29, 2004 –June 2011.
Member, Ethical, Legal and Social Implication (ELSI) Group, The
International HapMap Consortium – Jan 2004 till 2006.
Member, Cancer sub-committee of the National Expert Committee on
Non-Communicable Diseases. – July, 2003 till date.
Chairman, PMTCT National Task Team Sub-committee on Anti-retroviral
for the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV – May, 2003
–June 2011.
Member, National Task-force on Prevention of Mother to Child
Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV – 2001 –June 2011.
Director, Prevention of PMTCT of HIV Project, College of Medicine,
University College Hospital, Ibadan.
Principal Investigator: APIN Plus PEPFAR Program- University College
Hospital, Ibadan.
Country-PI Operation Stop Cervical Cancer in Nigeria – 2006 till date.
Chairman, Sub-Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group – 14
December,2007 till date
Member, Medical Practitioner Disciplinary Tribunal – April 2004-2006.
Member, Education Committee, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria – 2002-2006.
Member, Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria – 2002-2006.
Secretary, African Regional Task-force on the Control of Gynaecological Cancers.
Secretary-General – Confederation of African Medical Associations and
Societies (CAMAS) – August 1997-2003.
Assistant Secretary-General – Confederation of African Medical
Associations and Societies (CAMAS). March 1992 – August 1997.
Chairman – Nigerian Medical Association (Oyo State Branch) – 1993-1995.
Member – National Task Force on Appropriate use of blood and blood
products – 1992.
Member – Joint Committee NMA – National Task Force on HIV/AIDS – 1992.
Secretary – NMA AIDS Committee – 1990-1992.
Secretary-General, Nigerian Medical Association – 1990-1992.
Deputy Secretary-General, Nigerian Medical Association – 1988-1990.
Member, NMA Visitation Team on Study of Swedish Health Care System – 1984.
Member, NMA Committee on National Health Policy – 1984.
Member, NMA Negotiating Panel on Residency Training Programme – 1983-1984.
Secretary, Nigerian Medical Association (Oyo State Branch) – 1984 – 1985.
President, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria (NARD)
– 1983-1984.
Secretary-General, Association of Resident Doctors, University College
Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria – 1982-1983.
Member, Editorial Board – The Global Santé Journal
Nigerian Journal of Medicine – 1997 – till date.
Editorial Adviser: Nigerian Medical Journal – 1989-1992.
Consultant, National Tumour marker Project – 1997 till date.
Best Head of Department-College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. 1999/2000.
Best Lecturer of the Year Award- College of Medicine, University of
Ibadan November 1995.
Brownite of Honour – Alexander Brown Hall, University of Ibadan – November 1994.
Member, Nigerian Medical Association.
Member, Confederation of African Medical Associations and Societies (CAMAS).
Member, Society of Gynaecology & Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON).
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Member, Nigerian Society for the Study of Pain
Member, Cancer Palliative Care Group, Ibadan. Nigeria.
Member, African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer
(AORTIC) 2009-2011.
Member, International Society for Gynaecologic Endoscopy.
Member, International Network on Control of Gynaecological Cancers.
Member, International AIDS Society
Member, International Society for Infectious Diseases
Member, Association of Clinical Oncologist, USA
International Fellow, Association of Professors of Gynaecology &Obstetrics, USA.
Trainer in PMTCT – Family Health International (FHI) – 2002 till date
Trainer in PMTCT- UNICEF – 2004
Teaching undergraduate medical students in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
1981 – 1985 while undergoing residency training.
Teaching of undergraduate students since appointment as Lecturer I in
1989 till date.
Teaching of postgraduate students enrolled in fellowship programme of
National postgraduate medical college and West African College of
Surgeons since 1989.
I have been External Examiner in Obstetrics and Gynaecology to the
following Universities
(i) Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (1995)
(ii) Ahmadu Bello University Zaria (1996 till date).
(iii) Ogun State University, Sagamu (1997)
(iv) Othman Dan Fodio University, Sokoto (1997-1999)
(v) University of Ilorin, Ilorin. (2000)
(vi) University of Lagos (2009)
(vii) University of Jos (2010)
Primary Fellowship Examination of the National Postgraduate Medical
College. (1992 – 1996).
Part 1/2 Fellowship Examination of the National Postgraduate Medical
College -2000 till date
Part 1/2 Fellowship Examination of the West African College of
Surgeon. -1999 till date
1. 2nd Congress of Confederation of African Medical Associations and
Societies (CAMAS) on The Role of the Health Centre on Primary Health
Care in Africa: Cairo Egypt. 13–19 September, 1984.
2. Certificate Course in Endoscopy, Management of Problems of
Infertility and Family Planning John Hopkins Program on International
Education in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO), University College
Hospital, Ibadan. November 1984.
3. Growth Areas in Oncology. The British Council Course 547 Charring
Cross Hospital, London. June, 1985.
4. 7th Congress of Confederation of African Medical Association and
Societies (CAMAS) on HIV and AIDs in Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
5. 5th World Congress on Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases. London.
3-5 October 1990.
6. 8th Congress of Confederation of African Medical Associations and
Societies (CAMAS). The Health of the African Mother and Child.
Accra, Ghana. 2-7 December 1990.
7. 1st All Nigeria Conference on AIDS Nigerian Medical Association
Otta, Nigeria. 31 March – 1st April, 1990.
8. Consultative Group Meeting on How to Eliminate Unsafe Abortion in
Nigeria. Nigerian Medical Association 16 – 17 August 1991. Ota,
9. XIII World Congress on Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO),
Singapore. 13 – 19 September, 1991.
10. 9th Congress of Confederation of African Medical Associations and
Societies (CAMAS) on Policy Issues in Management of AIDS/HIV
Infection. Blantyre, Malawi. 8 – 12 March, 1992.
11. 2nd All Nigeria Conference on AIDS, Nigerian Medical Association
Ota, Nigeria. 31st March – 1st April, 1992.
12. International Symposium and Training Workshop on Reproductive
Health in Developing Countries of the Commonwealth. Kingston,
Jamaica. 30 October – 3rd November, 1992.
13. 3rd All Nigeria Conference on AIDS, Nigerian Medical Association
Ota, Nigeria. 28 – 30 March, 1993.
14. International Symposium on Reproductive Health in Developing
Countries. South to South Cooperation on Reproductive Health in
Developing Countries, Lagos, Nigeria. 9 – 15 May, 1993.
15. Book Production Workshop, West Africa Postgraduate Medical College
(WAHC), Ibadan. 18 – 21 August 1993.
16. 9TH Congress of the Confederation of Africa Medical Associations
and Societies (CAMAS). Blantyre, Malawi. 1993.
17. Round Table Conference on the Effect of structural Adjustment
Programme (SAP) on Health and Social Services in Africa. Maseru,
Lesotho. 12-16 September 1993.
18. 10th Congress of the Confederation of African Medical Associations
and Societies (CAMAS) on Improving Health in Africa. Strategies for
Action, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. 12 – 17 September 1994.
19. XIV World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) 1994.
Montreal, Canada; 23 – 30 September, 1994.
20. Surgical Techniques in Gynaecological Malignancies. European
School of Oncology Course, Budapest. Hungary, 25-26 November, 1994.
21. Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Perinatal Medicine and the Law – Twelfth
Annual Conference, Wailea, Maul, Hawaii 2 – 6 January, 1996.
22. Abortion Matters: International Conference on reducing the need
for abortion. Amsterdam, Netherlands 27-29 March 1996.
23. 9th World Congress of Cervical Pathology & Colposcopy. Sydney,
Australia, May 12 – 16, 1996.
24. Royal Postgraduate Medical School Courses: Medical problems Facing
Obstetricians and Physicians in Pregnancy. London 2 – 4 October,
25. 30th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the
Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), University
of Ibadan. 27 – 30 November, 1996.
26. 3rd EUROGIN International Congress on Lower Genital Tract
Infections and Neoplasia UNESCO, Paris 24 – 27 March, 1997.
27. 3rd Afro- Implement Workshop. Nyanga, Zimbabwe 2 – 6 April, 1997.
28. Magpie Trial: Use of Magnesium Sulphate for Prevention of
Eclampsia: Collaborators Meeting, Liverpool, 13 – 16 April, 1997.
29. XVth FIGO World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Copenhagen, Denmark 2 – 8 August 1997.
30. 12th Congress of the Confederation of African Medical Associations
and Societies (CAMSA) on Quality Assurance in Health Care Delivery in
Africa, Maseru, Lesotho, 25 – 29 August, 1997.
31. The Magpie Trial Collaborators Meeting. St. Catherine’s College
Oxford 25 – 26 September 1998.
32. International Network for Control of Gynaecologic Cancers (INGGC)
Consensus Conference on Cervical Cancer Screening and Management.
Tunis, Tunisia. 28 – 31 January 1999.
33. 5th International Congress of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. Benin-City, Nigeria. 25-28, 1998.
34. International Network for Control of Gynaecologic Cancers
(INCGC).African Regional Technical/Training Workshop on Cervical
Cancer. Ibadan, Nigeria. 10-15 April, 2000.
35. X111International AIDS Conference. Durban, Republic of South
Africa. 9-13July, 2000.
36. National Conference on Reducing Morbidity & Mortality from unsafe
Abortion. Abuja, Nigeria. 24-28 July, 2000.
37. XVI International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
World Congress, Washington. USA. 3-8 September, 2000.
38. Ethical Issues in Health Research- Workshop organised by the AIDS
Prevention Initiative Nigeria(APIN), Program on Ethical Issues in
Reproductive Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. Abuja,
Nigeria. December 3-7, 2001.
39. Building Strategic Partnership in Education and Health in Africa.
Consultative meeting on improving collaboration between Health
Professionals, Governments and other stakeholders in Human Resources
for Development. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 29 February-1 February 2002.
40. Workshop on Data Management in Public Health Projects. Harvard
School of Public Health, Boston, USA. 12-16 August, 2002.
41. Joint Workshop on APIN Phase 2 –Policy and Institutional capacity
Module. Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA. 28-30 October,
42. International Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics Of Nigeria (SOGON). Abuja, Nigeria.
43. HIV Vaccines for Developing Countries. The Tenth Think Tank
Symposium of the Harvard AIDS Institute series on Vaccine Solutions
for Developing Countries. Abuja, Nigeria. 18-21 February, 2003.
44. Workshop on National HIV/AIDS Accounts. NISER-UI-APIN-HSPH Joint
Project. NISER, Ibadan. 22-23 July, 2003.
45. Ethical Issues in International Health Research. Joint University
of Ibadan, Harvard School of Public Health and AIDS Prevention
Initiative, Nigeria (APIN) Workshop. International Institute of
Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan. 27 August- 2 September, 2003.
46. 14th International Conference on STD’s and AIDS in Africa.
Nairobi, Kenya, 22-27 September 2003.
47. XV11 FIGO World Congress, Santiago, Chile 2-7, November, 2003.
48. National Reproductive Health Summit, Abuja, Nigeria. April, 2004.
49. 4th National Conference on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria 2-5 May 2004.
50. Fourth Strategy Meeting of The International HapMap Project.
Melville, NY 11-12 May, 2004.
51. National Bioethics Workshop, Conference Centre, University of Ibadan.
52. XV International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. 11-16 July,2004.
53. 34th National Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. Markurdi.17-19 November, 2004.
54. Fifth Strategy Meeting of the International Hap Map Project, Cambridge, UK.
55. Tenofovir Consultation Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, 9-10 December, 2004.
56. 4th International Cervical Cancer Conference, Houston Texas,18-22 May 2005.
57. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and
Pediatric HIV Care, Abuja Nigeria 1-4 June, 2005.
58. 3rd International Conference on Pathogenesis and Treatment, Rio de
Janeiro, 24-27 July,2005.
59. 39th Annual general meeting and Scientific Meeting of Society of
Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. Health Sector Reform. Ibadan,
Nigeria. 22-25 November, 2007.
60. 1st African HPV Expert Panel, Johannesburg, South Africa, 15th
December 2005.
61. Linking Research To Action to Reduce Unsafe Abortion in Sub-Sahara
Africa: A Regional Consultation” United Nations Conference Center in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 19-23 March 2006.
62. European Research Organization for Genital Infection and
Neoplasia.Palais des Congrès Paris, France 24-27 April, 2006.
63. High Level Inter-Ministerial Meeting on Health Research for
Disease Prevention and Development. La Palm Beach Hotel Accra, Ghana
15-17 June, 2006.
64. 2nd African HPV meeting, Cape Town, South Africa. 3rd August, 2006.
65. 16th International AIDS Conference, International Convention
Center, Toronto, Canada 13-18 August, 2006.
66. XV111 FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics,
International Convention Center , Kuala Lumpur. 5-10 November, 2006.
67. 2nd Tri-Country PEPFAR Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 15-18
68. 7th International Scientific Conference and 40th Annual General
Meeting of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. Improving
maternal health-MDG 5.Abuja Nigeria. 21-25 November, 2006.
69. Curriculum Review Meeting on Integration of Sexual and
Reproductive health and Rights into Nigerian Medical School. Gateway
Hotel, Ota, Nigeria. 14-17 December, 2006.
70. 3rd SSA HPV Meeting ,Cape Town, South Africa.22 January, 2007
71. 1st Global Health Design Challenge Symposium: Integrated
Technology Solutions to Advance Global Health. The James Baker 111
Institute for Public Policy, Rice University,Houston,Texas.17-18
April, 2007.
72. HPV Vaccines Trial-IDMC Meeting, Brussels, Belgium- 13 July, 2007.
73. 1ST Operation Stop Cervical Cancer in Africa. Accelerating Access
to HPV Vaccines. Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Abuja. 24-25 July, 2007.
74. 16th Engineering Assembly: Theme- Millennium Development Goals:
Prospects and Challenges to the Engineering Profession in Nigeria.
International Conference Abuja, 28-29 August, 2007.
75. 37th Interdisciplinary Research Discourse. Postgraduate School,
University of Ibadan. Reproductive Health and Sustainable
Development-The Missing MDG.
76. 6th International AORTIC Conference. Cancer in Africa. Challenges
and Opportunities. Cape Town, South Africa.24-28 October, 2007.
77. HPV Masterclass-Sandton Hilton, Johannesburg, South Africa.26-27
February, 2008.
78. 3rd International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, Jersey
City, New Jersey-17-18 March, 2008.
79. 5th Cervical Cancer Working Group-Expert Panel,Lagos,Nigeria-7th May, 2008.
80. PMTCT/Ped HIV Conference-APIN Plus, Harvard Pepfar-
Abuja,Nigeria-19-21 May,2008.
81. 2nd Stop cervical cancer in Africa Conference. Kampala Uganda-21
22 July,2008-07-26.
82. SOCRON Conference on Modern Management of Cancer, Ibadan,
Nigeria-22-24 July, 2008.
83. Cancer Consultative Meeting. Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja –
21-22 August, 2008.
84. 20th World Cancer Congress, Geneva Switzerland. 27-31 August, 2008.
85. Harvard Pepfar Tri-Country Meeting. Gabarone Botswana.8-12 September, 2008.
86. WHO regional Consultative Meeting on Cervical Cancer Prevention
and Control. Quagadougou, Burkina Faso.16-17 September, 2008.
87. 42nd Annual Scientific Conference in Obstetrics and Gynaecology:
Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. 14-17 November,
88. 15th International Conference of AIDS and STI in Africa. Dakar
Senegal. 3-7 December, 2008.
89. 6th Sub-Saharan African Cervical Cancer Working Group. Nairobi,
Kenya. 09 December, 2008.
90. Sexual practice among people living with HIV at the University
College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. 15th International Conference of
AIDS and STI in Africa. Dakar, Senegal. 3-7 December, 2008.
91. 7th Sub-Saharan African Cervical Cancer Working Group. Accra
Ghana. 26th May, 2008.
92. APIN Plus-PMTCT/Pediatric Care Conference, Abuja, Nigeria. 16th June, 2009.
93. 3rd Stop cervical cancer Conference in Africa. Cape Town, South
Africa 19-21 July, 2009.
94. 5th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis,
Treatment and Prevention Retroviruses Cape Town, South Africa 19-22
July, 2009.
95. International Conference of Medical Women’s Association of
Nigeria. Abuja, Nigeria. 24th September, 2009.
96. XIX FIGO World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa 4-9 October, 2009.
97. 8th Sub-Saharan African Cervical Cancer Working Group.
Dar-es-Salaam,Tanzania,9th November, 2008.
98. 2009 AORTIC Congress, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 11-14 November, 2009.
99. Society of Obstetric and Gynaecology of Nigeria (SOGON) 2009
Conference, Kano, Nigeria 19-21 November, 2009.
100. UICC Capacity Building Workshop on Cancer Prevention-Cape Town,
South Africa 22-24 March, 2010.
101. 5th National AIDS Conference, Abuja, Nigeria. 2 – 5 May, 2010.
102. 9th sub Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group,
Lusaka,Zambia.17th May,2010
103. Experts in Cervical Cancer Education and Leadership
(EXCCEL).Anglophone West Africa Expert Speakers’ Forum,Lagos,
Nigeria,16 September 2010
104. An international workshop on the estimation of health system and
individual costs of abortion and post abortion services. Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia. 27-29 September, 2010.
105. Orientation Training for staff from institutions and consultants
for IPTS for Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights. Johannesburg,
South Africa 4-9 October, 2010.
106. 10th sub Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group,
garborone,Bostwana.23-24 November,2010.
107. Expert Assignment: WHO-IAEA 2nd WHO/IAEA Supported Coordination
Meeting RAF/6/041 – Supporting Comprehensive National Cancer Control
Dakar, Senegal 24-26 November 2010 ( C3-RAF/6/041 9005 01 )
108. AORTIC strategic Planning Meeting. Dakar ,Senegal 29th November,2010
109. Going Global Educational Conference, HongKong,10-12 March,2011
110. Global Health Conference, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, 2-6 April, 2011
111. ASCO 2011 Annual Meeting, Chicago,I llinois,USA,3-7 June,2011
112. 11th sub Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group,
Johannesburg, South Africa.05 September,2011
113. Centers of Excellence Summit, Kampala, Uganda.12-13 September,2011
114. AORTIC 2011 Congress, Cairo, Egypt, 29 November- 02 December,2011
115. 4th Annual Summit of Global Network of Masters of Development
Practice Program.Dhaka,Bangladesh.6-10 February,2012
116. Expert in Cervical Cancer Education and Leadership (EXCCEL)
Workshop- Francophone. Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire.22 February,2012
117. 12th sub Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group, Kampala,
Uganda.23-24 April,2012.
118. Expert in Cervical Cancer Education and Leadership (EXCCEL)
Workshop- Anglophone. Accra, Ghana.24 May,2012
119. Expert Mission: IAEA -VCCUnet Annual Stakeholders Meeting, Lusaka
Zambia.9-11 July,2012 ( C3-RAF/6/043 9003 01)
120. 2012 Annual MEPI Symposium-Building Partnership and Enhancing
Sustainability. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 7-9 August, 2012
121. UICC 2012 World Cancer Congress. Montreal, Canada. 27-30th August, 2012
122. 13th sub Saharan Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group, Dakar,
Senegal. 21-22 September,2012.
123. FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Rome,Italy 7-12
124. Expert Mission, Member of Gavi Independent Review Committee, Gavi
Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-19,October,2012
125. Expert Mission, Member of Gavi Independent Review Committee, Gavi
Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland. 19-23,November,2012
126. Co-Chair- Exccel Dubal, Dubai, UAE, 05-06 May,2013
127. Inaugural meeting of Australia Africa Universities Network
(AAUN),Sydney, Australia.7-11 July,2013
128. 14th sSSA CCWG, Johannesburg, South Africa.14-15 July,2013
129. Expert Assignment: Co Chair 4th VUCCnet Annual Stakeholders
Meeting, Vienna,Austria. 23-25 July,2013 ( C3-RAF/6/043-9007 01)
130. First African Regional Congress of the International Federation
of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2-5
131. African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer
(AORTIC) 9th International Cancer Conference: Cancer in Africa,
Bridging Science and Humanity. Durban, South Africa, 21-24
1. Osinusi B, Adewole IF, & Laditan, A.O. Management in Intersexual
Disorders. 16th National Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) Ibadan, Nigeria. 8 – 10th November,
2. Adewole IF. Changing Parameters of Gestational Trophoblastic
Diseases in Nigeria,5th World Congress on Gestational Trophoblastic
Diseases, London. 23 – 25th October, 1990.
3. Adewole, IF. Trends in Post Abortal Mortality and Morbidity in
Nigeria. 8th Congress of Confederation of African Medical
Associations and Societies (CAMAS) on the Health of the African Mother
and Child. Accra. 2 – 7 December 1990.
4. Adewole, IF. Problems of Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria – An Overview.
Consultative Group Meeting on How to Eliminate Unsafe Abortion in
Nigeria. Ota, Nigeria. 16 – 17 August, 1991.
5. Adewole IF. The concept of Networking in Advocacy Campaign – An
Overview. Consultative Group on Networking to Eliminate Unsafe
Abortion in Nigeria. Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP).
Ota, Nigeria. 2 – 5 June 1994.
6. Adewole IF. That Our Women May Live. International Conference in
Reproductive Health Initiatives on Private Medical Practice:
Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria
(AGPMPN), Lagos. Nigeria. 18th March, 1994.
7. Adewole IF,Babarinsa IA, Ayinde A. Influence of Time and Marital
Pattern in the Development of CIN. 9th World Congress of Cervical
Pathology and Colposcopy. Sydney. Australia. 12 – 16 May, 1996.
8. Adewole IF, Fawole AO, Babarinsa IA. The value of antenatal
screening for Syphilis at the University College Hospital, Ibadan.
30th Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30th November, 1996, Ibadan
9. Adewole IF, Babarinsa IA, Atere WA, Aderinto Y, Bakare, RA. and
Oni, A.A. Sexual behaviour of husbands of pregnant and recently
delivered women in Ibadan – inferences from a focus group study. 30th
Annual Scientific Conference of society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30th November, 1996, Ibadan. Nigeria.
10. Oladimeji, AO, Ayuba TT, Adewole IF, Babarinsa IA, Bakare, RA.,
and Oni, AA. Clinico-Pathologic study of vaginal discharge in Ibadan.
30th Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30th November, 1996. Ibadan,
11. Adewole IF.Odeniyi GD, Fashina, NA, Ogunbiyi JO. The relative
value of bacteriology and Cytology in the diagnosis of sexually
transmissible diseases. 30th Annual Scientific Conference of Society
of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30 November
1996, Ibadan, Nigeria.
12. Bakare, RA, Oni, AA, Shokunbi, WO, Ogundiran, N., Ayuba TT.,
Babarinsa, IA. Odeniyi, GD., Fawole, AO., Adewole IF. Spectrum of
detectable microbes amongst commercial sex workers in Ibadan. 30th
Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30 November, 1996. Ibadan, Nigeria.
13. Adewole IF,Fawole, AO, Fashina, NA., Ayuba, TT., Bakare, RA. and
Babarinsa IA. Medical audit of private medical laboratory services in
the management of STD’s. 30th Annual Scientific Conference of society
of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30 November
1996, Ibadan, Nigeria.
14. Fashina, NA, Adewole IF, Oni A.A, Odeniyi, GD., Fawole AO. and
Bakare R.A. Giemsa stain as a rapid screening test in the diagnosis
of STD’s. 30th Annual Scientific Conference of Society of Gynaecology
and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) 27 – 30th November, 1996, Ibadan,
15. Adewole IF, Fawole AO., and Babarinsa IA. Cervical Cancer
Screening in Nigeria. 3rd EUROGIN International Congress on Lower
Genital Tract Infection and Neoplasia. UNESCO, Paris. 24 – 27 March,
16. Adewole IF, Fawole AO., and Babarinsa IA. Trends in Cervical
Cancer in Young Nigerians over a 16 year period. XVth FIGO World
Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Copenhagen, Denmark. 2 – 8
August, 1997.
17. AdewoleIF. Quality Assurance in Reproductive Health. XII
Congress of Confederation of African Medical Associations and
Societies (CAMAS) Maseru, Lesotho 25 – 29 August, 1997.
18. Adewole IF, Oladokun A, Okewole AI, Omigbodun AO, AfolabiKA, Ekele
B, Audu LR, Obed Y. Magnesium Sulphate for the treatment of
eclampsia: The Nigerian Experience. 5th International Congress of the
Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria.25-29 November 1998.
19. Adewole IF, Oye-Adeniran BA, Iwere N, Mohammed P, Olawuyi F,
Ekanem EE, Babarinsa IA, Gbadegesin A, Ogedegbe OK, Oloruntimehin OO,
Omigbodun AO & Emuveyan EE. 5th International Congress of the Society
of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. 25-29 November 1998.
20. Adewole IF, Awe SO, Makinde M, Fawole AO, Bello BS, Marinho AO,
Adeyi YO, Olawuyi O, Fakolujo A & Kotila RT. Contraceptive and
anti-fertility effects of ricinus communis.5th International Congress
of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. 25-29
November, 1998.
21. Oladokun A, Babarinsa IA, Adewole IF, Omigbodun AO & Ojengbede OA.
Impact of sitz baths and prophylactics on episiotomy wound healing.
5th International Congress of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. 25-29 November, 1998.
22. Oladokun A, Babarinsa IA, Adewole IF & Omigbodun AO.A comparative
study of McDonald and Shirodkar methods of cerclage in management of
cervical incompetence in University College Hospital, Ibadan. 5th
International Congress of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of
Nigeria. 25-29 November, 1998.
23. Odukogbe AA, Adewole IF, Ojengbede OA, Olayemi O, Fawole A, Ahmed
A. Advanced Parity: Pregnancy after the fifth delivery. A study of two
hospital settings. 32nd congress of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. Lagos, Nigeria. 24-27 November, 1999.
24. Adewole IF. Maternal Mortality Versus Cervical Cancer .A call for
Action. African Regional Technical/Training Workshop on Cervical
Cancer. International Network for Control of Gynaecologcal Cancers
(INCGC).Ibadan, Nigeria. 10-15 April, 2000.
25. Adewole IF. Defect in the Abortion Law. National Conference on
Reducing Morbidity and Mortality in Nigeria. Abuja, Nigeria.24-28
July, 2000.
26. Oladokun A., Babarinsa IA., Adewole IF. The Impact of Health
Education in the Promotion of Cervical Cancer Screening in Developing
Countries. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (Book of
Abstracts). 2000. Vol. 70; supplement No. 1. Pp. 100 – 101.
27. Babarinsa IA, Adewole IF, Oladokun A. Myometrial Resections:
Preliminary Report of a Uterine – Conserving Procedure for
Myohyperplasia. International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (Book
of Abstracts). 2000. Vol. 70; supplement No. 1. Pp. 27.
28. Babarinsa IA, Oladokun A, Adeyemo I, Adewole IF. Should the
Partogram be adapted for term vaginal breech deliveries? nternational
Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics (Book of Abstracts). 2000. Vol. 70;
supplement No. 1. Pp. 62.
29. Adewole IF. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV.
International Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
of Nigeria. Abuja, Nigeria. November 2002.
30. Adewole IF. Ethical Issues in Reproductive Health. Workshop on
Ethical Issues in Health Research. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 27 August-2
September, 2003.
31. Adewole IF, Adesina OA, Olaleye D, Odaibo G, Kanki P, Sankale JL.
HIV Western Blot Indeterminate Results in a PMTCT Program. 4th
National Conference on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Book of Abstracts A218.
32. Adewole IF. ART Therapies in PMTCT. Satellite Session on PMTCT.
4th National Conference on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. 3rd May 2004.
33. Adewole IF. The challenges of conducting ethically sound research
in a developing country. Key-note Presentation at the Bioethics
workshop. University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
34. Adewole I, Jegede A, Adesina A, Bamgboye A, Adejumo P, Smart P,
Adegbola M, Sankale P, Kanki P. Male responsibilities in the
prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in Nigeria. XV
International AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. 11-16 July, 2004.
35. Adewole I, Osowole O, Aborkor L, Adesina A, Sankale P, Kanki P.
pinion Leaders Awareness and Perception of Mother to Child Prevention
of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV in Nigeria. XV International
AIDS Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. 11-16 July, 2004.
36. Adewole IF.PMTCT Safeguarding the future. Symposium of the Society
of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria ( SOGON) Symposium. Ibadan,
22nd October,2004.
37. Adewole IF, ARV in Prevention of Mother to child Transmission of
HIV. 34th National Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. (SOGON). Makurdi, Nigeria. 17-20,
38. Adewole IF, The benefits and Risks of Breastfeeding- Prevention of
Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and Pediatric HIV
Conference, Abuja Nigeria. 1-4 June,2005
39. Henshaw SK, Adewole IF, Singh S, Bankole A, Oye-Adeniran BA,
Hussain R, Sedgh G. Characteristics of women seeking abortion services
and post-abortion care in Nigerian hospitals. Presented at the
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, General
Conference, July 2005, Tours, France.
40. Adewole IF. Reaching Women with Safe Abortion in their
Communities: Research Perspectives: Linking Research to Action to
Reduce Unsafe Abortion in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Regional Consultation”
United Nations Conference Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,
19-23 March 2006.
41. Adewole IF. Burden of Cervical Cancer in West Africa.1st HPV
Expert panel meeting. Johannesburg, South Africa . 15th December,
42. Adewole IF. Challenges of Cervical Cancer Screening in Africa. The
Nigerian Experience. 3rd SSA HPV Meeting Cape Town, South Africa. 25
January, 2007.
43. Adewole IF. Achieving the Health Millennium Development Goals in
the Developing World: The Expected Innovative Biotechnology Solutions.
The 1st Annual Global Challenge Design Symposium. Houston, Texas, USA.
17-18 April, 2007.
44. Adewole IF. Cervical Cancer in Africa. Keynote Address.1st Stop
Cervical Cancer in Africa. Accelerating Access to HPV vaccines. Abuja,
Nigeria 24-25 July, 2007.
45. Adewole IF. Engineering Requirement for Reduction of Child
Mortality, Enhancement of Maternal Health and Eradication of HIV/AIDS
and Malaria.16th Engineering Assembly, Abuja, Nigeria. 28-29 August,
46. Adewole IF. Undergraduate Medical Education: Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow.5th Biennial Scientific Conference and Delegates Meeting.
Abuja, Nigeria 5-9 September, 2007.
47. Adewole IF. Cervical Cancer in Africa. Why is it so common. 6th
International AORTIC Conference. Cancer in Africa. Challenges and
Opportunities. Cape-Town, South Africa. 24-28 October, 2007.
48. Adewole IF. Cervical Cancer Facts-Advocacy Workshop for
Journalists-Sheraton Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria 5th May, 2008.
49. Adewole IF. Cervical Cancer Vaccines Update-Advocacy Workshop for
Journalists-Sheraton Hotel, Lagos -5th May, 2008-06.
50. Adewole IF. Review of APIN Plus PMTCT Protocol. Harvard Pepfar
PMTCT/Ped HIV Conference. Abuja, Nigeria.19-21 May, 2008.
51. Adewole IF. Care of HIV Positive Women. Harvard Pepfar PMTCT/Ped
HIV Conference. Abuja, Nigeria. 19-21 May, 2008.
52. Adewole IF. Guidelines for HPV vaccine Use in sub-Saharan
Africa-2nd Stop cervical Conference in Africa. Kampala Uganda-21 July,
53. Adewole IF. Recent Advances in the Epidemiology and management of
Advanced Cervical Cancer. Ist SOCRON Conference on the Modern
management of Cancer. Ibadan, Nigeria. 24 July, 2008.
54. Adewole IF. Operation Stop Cervical Cancer in Nigeria. Cancer
Consultative Meeting. Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja-21-22 August,
55. Adewole IF. PMTCT and Infant Feeding in Nigeria. Harvard Pepfar
Tri-Country Meeting. Gaborone, Botswana. 8-11 September, 2008.
56. Adewole I F. Updates on HPV Infection and Epidemiology. WHO
regional Consultative Meeting on Cervical Cancer Prevention and
Control. Quagadougou, Burkina Faso.16-17 September, 2008.
57. Adewole IF. Female genital cancers and Reproductive Health care in
Nigeria. Pre Conference Workshop on Reproductive health in developing
Countries.42nd Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of
Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria. 18-22 November,
58. Adewole IF. Vaccines for Prevention of Cervical Cancer.
Pre-Conference Workshop on Cervical Cancer Prevention in Low Resource
Settings. 42nd Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of
Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria. 18-22 November,
59. Adewole IF. Cervical Cancer Facts. GSK Presentation on Vaccines
for Prevention of Cervical Cancer. 42nd Annual Scientific Conference
of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. Enugu,
Nigeria. 18-22 November, 2008.
60. Adesina O, Akinyemi O, Oladokun A, Awolude O, Roberts A, Odaibo G,
Olaleye OD, Adewole IF, kanki P. Hepatitis B and C co-infection in
HIV pregnant Women in PMTCT Programme. 42nd Annual Scientific
Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria.
Enugu, Nigeria. 18-22 November, 2008.
61. Awolude O, Akinyemi O, Adesina OA, Adewole IF. PMTCT programme
Uptake among HIV positive Pregnant Women. 42nd Annual Scientific
Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria.
Enugu, Nigeria. 18-22 November, 2008.
62. Odukogbe AA, Akinwuntan AL, Adewole IF. Gestational Trophoblatic
Diseases –Contemporary Issues. 42nd Annual Scientific Conference of
the Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria.
18-22 November, 2008.
63. Oladokun A, Morhason-Bello IO, Adewole IF, Miller D, Follen M. The
Learning Curve of Radical Hysterectomy for early stage Cervical
Carcinoma: Lessons from Operation Stop Cervical Cancer Project. 42nd
Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria. 18-22 November, 2008.
64. Adewole IF, Sagay AS .Operational Research on PMTCT in the APIN
Plus/Harvard PEPFAR Program. Satellite Symposium, 15th International
Conference of AIDS and STI in Africa. Dakar, Senegal. 3-7 December,
65. Adewole IF. Sexual practice among people living with HIV at the
University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. 15th International
Conference of AIDS and STI in Africa. Dakar, Senegal. 3-7 December,
66. Adewole IF. Review of APIN Plus PMTCT Protocol. APIN Plus
-PMTCT/Pediatric Care Conference, Abuja, Nigeria. 16th June, 2009.
67. Adewole IF. The Reproductive health needs of HIV Positive women.
APIN Plus -PMTCT/Pediatric Care Conference, Abuja, Nigeria. 17th June,
68. Adewole IF. Networking to Prevent Cervical Cancer: The African
Experience .3rd Stop cervical cancer Conference in Africa. Cape Town,
South Africa 19-21 July, 2009.
69. Adewole IF. Cancer Screening in HIV Positive Women: The African
Experience .3rd Stop cervical cancer Conference in Africa. Cape Town,
South Africa 19-21 July, 2009.
70. Adewole IF. After Cervical Cancer Screening: What next?
International Conference of Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria,
Abuja, Nigeria. 24th September, 2009.
71. Adewole IF. Perspectives on Cervical Cancer in Developing
Countries: What the Future Holds for Africa. XIX FIGO World Congress,
Cape Town, South Africa 4-9 October, 2009.
72. Adewole IF. HPV in the HIV Infected Woman. XIX FIGO World
Congress, Cape Town, South Africa 4-9 October, 2009.
73. Adewole IF. What is the real burden of cervical Cancer in
Africa.2009 AORTIC Congress, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 11-14 November,
74. Adewole IF. Cervical Cancer Prevention in Nigeria: Where are we?
Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Nigeria 2009 Annual
Conference. Kano, Nigeria 19-21 November, 2009.
75. Adewole IF.Immunology and efficacy of HPV vaccines. Experts in
cervical cancer Education and Leadership (EXCCEL).Anglophone West
Africa Expert Speakers’ Forum,Lagos, Nigeria,16 September 2010.
76. Adewole IF. Status and needs for cancer control in Sub-Saharan
Africa. WHO-IAEA 2nd WHO/IAEA Supported Coordination Meeting RAF/6/041
– Supporting Comprehensive National Cancer Control Dakar, Senegal
24-26 November 2010
77. Adewole IF, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of
HIV.Global Health Conference, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois,2-6 April,2011.
78. Adewole IF. Life and Earth Sciences Institute, Pan African
University.Centers of Excellence Summit, Kampala, Uganda.12-13
79. Adewole IF. Working together to Change the Trajectory of Cancer
in Africa.AORTIC 2011 Congress, Cairo, Egypt, 01 December,2011
80. Adewole IF. Africa and Cancer: Preparing for the next Epidemic.
Quarterly Guest Lecture of the Nigerian Academy of Science, Lagos,
Nigeria. 27th January,2012
81. Adewole IF.The role of screening and effective vaccination
programmes in cervical cancer prevention.Expert in Cervical Cancer
Education and Leadership (EXCCEL) Francophone Workshop. Abidjan, Cote
d’Ivoire.13th February,2012
82. Adewole IF. Opening Remarks.Setting Priorities for Global Cancer
Research, NCI Bethesda,Maryland,USA.13-14 March,2012
83. Adewole IF. GAVI Criteria for HPV Vaccine Implementation. 12th sub
Sahara Africa Cervical Cancer Working Group (sSA CCWG).
Kampala,Uganda.24th April,2012
84. Adewole IF;GAVI procedures for HPV vaccination support; Expert in
Cervical Cancer Education and Leadership (EXCCEL) Anglophone Workshop.
Accra, Ghana.24th May,2012
85. Adewole IF. Opening Address to the IWAEA VUCCnet Stakeholders
Meeting.Lusaka,Zambia.09 July,2012
86. Adewole IF. Perspectives from the Field: Challenges and
Opportunities in Education and Training in Low and Middle-Income
Countries. UICC 2012 World Cancer Congress. Montreal, Canada. 29th
87. Adewole IF. The place of pathology in Oncologic practice from the
perspective of a clinical oncologist. AORTIC-Africa Pathology Summit,
Dakar ,Senegal.22 march,2013.
88. Adewole IF. Opportunities and Needs for Cancer in Africa. AORTIC
Cancer Leadership Institute, AORTIC 9th International Cancer
Conference, Durban, South Africa. 22 November, 2013
89. Adewole IF.What does the Gynaecologic Oncologist Need from the
Pathologist.AORTIC 9th International Cancer Conference, Durban, South
24 November, 2013
Evaluating novel ideas for promoting Cervical Cancer Screening in
developing countries.
Multi Country study on HPV in Cervical cancer among African Women
Nation-wide study to determinants of unsafe abortion in Nigeria.
Pilot Study of Maternal Mortality in Nigeria
Community based Study on Emergency Contraception in Nigeria
Attitude of HIV +ve pregnant women to contraception and couple counselling.
Study of the Efficacy of Maternal Antiretroviral Intervention and
Infant Antiretroviral prophylaxis for the prevention of Mother
–to-Child transmission of HIV in Nigeria
Co-ordinator – Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy, a
multidisciplinary non-profit initiative comprising of doctors,
lawyers, media practitioners, social scientists, teachers and Nurses.
Involved with Advocacy work designed to reduce the burden of Unsafe
Abortion in Nigeria.
Leading Advocacy to promote nationwide access to cervical cancer screening
Integration of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the
Curriculum of Medical Schools in Nigeria/Africa
Abortion Law Review Meeting
Public Symposia/Meetings on Abortion
Media sensitisation campaign
Workshops for Opinion and Community leaders
Working with Young persons in the Medical Schools of Nigerian Universities.
Research on the size of the Abortion problem in Nigeria
Review of Reproductive Health content of Medical Curriculum.
Project Director –PMTCT Project –UI/UCH.
Member National PMTCT Task Force
Funding Support (Active)
1. 1D43 TW007995– 01/06/08 – 31/5/11 $55,278
Northwestern University AIDS International Training and Research Program( AITRP
As Institutional Country Liaison Officer, I manage the training
program at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
The program provides training support for Academic staff of College of
Medicine, University of Ibadan
2. U51HA025522-04 – 01/03/2012 – 28/2/2013 $1,977,532.00
President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief – HRSA
Accelerated HIV and AIDS Treatment Program
I am the Principal Investigator.
As a subcontractor to the Harvard School of Public Health, the
University of Ibadan and University College Hospital in Ibadan,
(i) assist in expanding antiretroviral therapy (ART) to low income
HIV-infected persons in a manner that is consistent with national
plans and policies; and
(j) develop sustainable indigenous capacity to continue these
programs after the project ends.
This program provides support for infrastructural development and
capacity strengthening for College of Medicine, University of Ibadan
and University College Hospital Ibadan.
3. ExxonMobil Foundation 2006 – 2010 $1,000,000
Operation Stop Cervical Cancer in Nigeria
As a subcontractor with MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, I
served as the Country Leader in implementing a cervical cancer
screening and treatment program in Nigeria.
4. 1R01HD058359-01 05/01/2008 – 04/30/2013 Nigerian component = $247,000
HIV status and achieving fertility desires: Implications for HIV
prevention and to help individuals and couples in African countries
facing generalized HIV epidemics to achieve their family size goals
while avoiding or coping with HIV infection. I am the Co-PI for the
Nigerian arm of this International project.
5. HU-CFAR Feasibility Project 09/18/2009- 07/31/2010 $18,500.00
Prospective, observational study to evaluate the sensitivity of
Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) in a pediatric population with known
HIV-infection. I am the study co-PI
6. GSK-EPI-HPV-AWACC-109117 2009-2010 $15,000
African Women and Cervical Cancer Study (AWACC). To study Human
papillomavirus (HPV) type distribution in adult African women with
diagnosed invasive cervical cancer.
College of Medicine, University of Ibadan receives 10% Institutional
Support from this grant. I was the Country Principal Investigator .
7. Guttmacher Institute-AB 350: 2010-2012 $350,000
New Abortion Study to develop an update on status of Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria
College of Medicine. I am the Principal Investigator
8. NIH: 1R24TW008878-01 – 2010 – 2015 $9,769.014.00
The NIH Medical Education Partnership Initiative in Nigeria (MEPIN)
provides an opportunity to address many of the challenges facing the
Nigerian education institutions today with the overall goal of
improving and strengthening the medical e
i. Dissertation and Thesis
Ø “Organisational Structure of Trophoblastic Service in Nigeria”
FMCOG dissertation, National Postgraduate Medical College.
ii. Books/Proceedings
1. Guidelines to Health Workers on HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. Nigerian
Medical Association (NMA) Publications, March 1991.
2. Guidelines on appropriate use of Blood & Blood Products for
Nigeria. The National Blood Transfusion service of the Federal
Ministry of Health. August 18, 1991.
3. AdewoleIF. Abortion in Nigeria: A major Health Problem in
Eliminating Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria. Proceedings of a Consultative
Meeting. Nigerian Medical Association Ota, Nigeria. 16 – 17 August,
4. Adewole, IF.(1992). The role of Health Professional Associations in
National Health Information System. Proceedings of the International
Conference on the Nigerian Health Information System Abuja, Nigeria
Feb 1992. Eds. Makanjuola JDA and Onibokun, AG, Federal Ministry of
Health and Social Services, Lagos, Nigeria. Pp 202-203.
5. Adewole IF.Documenting the Abortion Problem in Nigeria. In
Abortion Methodology Workshop. Proceedings of a Meeting organised by
the Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP) Ota, Nigeria. 22-24
July 1993.
6. Adewole IF. The Concept of Networking in Advocacy Campaign – An
Overview. In Networking to Eliminate Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria.
Proceedings of a Consultative Meeting Campaign Against Unwanted
Pregnancy (CAUP) Lagos, Nigeria. 2-5 June, 1994.
7. Babarinsa IA, Adewole, IF, Ajayi AB (1994). Church-based
Confinement Services in Ibadan, Nigeria, A Significant Factor in
Maternal Mortality. In: Improving Reproductive Health in Africa. Eds
Adewole IF, Babarinsa IA and Adekunle O.O. Proceedings of
Confederation of African Medical Associations and Societies (CAMAS)
10th Congress Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire 12-17 September 1994, Pp. 55-70.
8. Adewole, IF.(1994). Abortion and the Law in Africa. In: Improving
Reproductive Health in Africa. Eds Adewole IF, Babarinsa IA and
Adekunle O.O. Proceedings of Confederation of African Medical
Association and Societies (CAMAS) 10th Congress, Abidjan, Cote
d’Ivoire 12-17 September 1994. Pp. 151-159.
9. Adewole, IF. CAUP and Empowerment of Women In Empowering Women for
Better Reproductive Health. Proceedings of a Consultative Meeting
Campaign Against Unwanted Pregnancy (CAUP) Ota, Nigeria. 8-11
December, 1994.
10. Adewole, IF.(1995). The role of Abortion and Miscarriage in
Maternal Mortality and Morbidity In Promotion Safe Motherhood at the
Primary Health Care Level. Proceeding of a SOGON workshop 5-7 October
1995 Ed. VE. Aimakhu, Published by Unicef. Pp. 81-92.
11. Adewole IF,Babarinsa IA, Ayinde AE. (1996). Influence of Time and
Marital Pattern on the development of Cervical intraepithelia
Neoplasia (CIN). In 9th World Congress of Cervical Pathology &
Colposcopy, Sydney, Australia Proceedings of Conference Ed., Channen W
& Atkinson K: Monduzzi Editore 12-15 May 1996. Pp. 509-513.
12. Adewole, IF.& Onwudiegu U. Pregnancy, Births and abortion: In
status of Adolescents and Young Adults in Nigeria. (eds.) Dare O.O.,
Isiugo – Abanihe I.M., Jimoh A, Omololu O & Udegbe I.B.) Chestrad
1997; 353 – 360.
13. Adewole IF. Epidemiology, Clinical Features and Management of
Cervical Carcinoma. In: Contemporary Obstetrics and Gynaecology for
developing Countries. Okonofua F. and Odunsi K eds, Women’s Health
and Action Research Centre, Benin City,2003; Chapter 16:Pp 289-315
14. The Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON)
2005. Manual on the Management of HIV/AIDS in Pregnancy. ISBN
978-066-634-6 Pp 1-33
15. Federal Ministry of Health ( 2005) National Guidelines on the
Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV(PMTCT) ISBN
978-166-412-6 Pp 1-78.
16. Adewole IF, Odutolu O, Sagay AS ( 2005). Prevention of Mother to
Child Transmission of HIV. Eds: Adeyi O, Kanki PJ, Odutolu O and Idoko
J In AIDS IN NIGERIA. Harvard University Press. Pp 178-203
17. Bankole A, Oye-Adeniran BA, Singh S, Adewole IF, Wulf D, Sedgh G
and Hussain R (2006) Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion in Nigeria:
Causes and Consequences, New York: The Guttmacher Institute,
18. Ajuwon A, Owoaje E, Falaye F, Osinowo K, Aimakhu C, Adewole IF(
2007) Training manual on Sexual, Reproductive health and Rights and
HIV prevention for Medical Students in Nigeria.ISBN:978-245-104-5.
19. Isaac Adewole and Solomon Sagay. Overview of Prevention of
Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV. In Grounds Up. Building
Comprehensive HIV-AIDS Program in Resource limited settings. Eds RG
Marlink & Sara J. Teitelman .Publisher Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDs
Foundation, 2008. Vol 2: Pp 717-738.
20. Akinwuntan AA and Adewole IF. Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases.
In Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Eds Ikpeze OC. Africana
First Publishers Plc Pp233-255.2009.
21. AORTIC Africa Cancer Plan:2013-2017 Adewole IF, Denny L, Odedina
F. Rebbeck ,Morhason-Bello IO. November 2013
22. Rebbeck T & Adewole IF. Research Dissemination. In Handbook of
Cancer research in Africa.WHO-2013
iii. Articles in Learned Journals
Gynaecological Oncology:
23. Adewole, IF, Rustin, GJS, Newlands, ES, Dent, J. and Bagshawe,
K.D. (1986). Fertility in Patients with Gestational Trophoblastic
Tumours treated with Etoposide, Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol. Vol. 22,
(No. 12) 1479-1482.
24. Adewole, IF,and Newlands, ES, Lamki, H. and Nevin, M. (1987).
Metastatic germ cell tumour associated with XY gonadal dysgenesis;
successful chemotherapy. Case report. Br. J. Obstet. Gynae. vol. 94;
25. Adewole, IF,and Newlands, ES. (1987). Neuron – specific Enolase
(NSE) as a tumour maker, Comparative Evaluation with Carcino-Embryonic
Antigen (CEA) as a marker of Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC). Med.
Oncol. and Tumour Pharmacother. vol. 4, (No. 1); 11-15.
26. Adewole, IF,and Adeleye, JA. (1991). “Changing Parameters of
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a tertiary hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria.Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2012)
129. Samuel Anu Olowookere, Akinola Ayoola Fatiregun, Isaac F. Adewole
Knowledge and attitudes regarding HIV/AIDS and antiretroviral therapy
among patients at a Nigerian treatment clinic J Infect Dev Ctries
2012; 6(11):809-816.
130. Kavanaugh ML, Moore AM, Akinyemi O, Adewole I, Dzekedzeke K,
Awolude O, Arulogun O. Community attitudes towards childbearing and
abortion among HIV-positive women in Nigeria and Zambia. Cult Health
Sex. 2013;15(2):160-74.
131. Falade CO, Adesina-Adewole B, Dada-Adegbola HO, Ajayi IO,
Akinyemi JO, Ademowo OG, Adewole IF, Kanki P. Evaluation of
Paracheck-Pf(TM) rapid malaria diagnostic test for the diagnosis of
malaria among HIV-positive patients in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria
Pathog Glob Health. 2013 Mar;107(2):69-77.
132. Adetunji AA, Achenbach C, Feinglass J, Darin KM, Scarsi KK, Ekong
E, Taiwo BO, Adewole IF, Murphy R. Optimizing treatment switch for
virologic failure during first-line antiretroviral therapy in
resource-limited settings.J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care. 2013
133. Bankole A, Biddlecom AE, Dzekedzeke K, Akinyemi JO, Awolude O,
Adewole IF.Does knowledge about Antiretroviral Therapy and Mother to
Child Transmission affect the relationship between HIV Status and
Fertility Preferences and Contraceptive use? New Evidence from Nigeria
and Zambia. J Biosoc Sci. 2013 Dec 16:1-20. [Epub ahead of print].
134. Scarsi KK, Fehintola FA, Ma Q, Aweeka FT, Darin KM, Morse GD,
Akinola IT, Adedeji WA, Lindegardh N, Tarning J, Ojengbede O, Adewole
IF, Taiwo B, Murphy RL, Akinyinka OO, Parikh S. Disposition of
amodiaquine and desethylamodiaquine in HIV-infected Nigerian subjects
on nevirapine-containing antiretroviral therapy.J Antimicrob
Chemother. 2014 Jan 19.
General Gynaecology:
1. Adewole, I.F.(1994). A case of cyclical menouria syndrome. Afr. J.
Med. and Med. Sci. vol. 23: 9 – 11.
2. Adewole, I.F.Thompson EF, Babarinsa IA, Akang EEU (1997). The
Value of Routine Endometrial Biopsy in Gynaecological Practice. W.
Afr. J. Med. vol. 16; No. 4: 242-245.
3. Babarinsa IA, Ajayi, AB, Adewole, I.F., Adeleye, JA (1997).
Day-care Diagnostic Laparoscopy; experience with the first 1000
patients in a Tropical Gynaecological Service. Gynaecological
Endoscopy vol. 6; 273-276.
4. Ajayi AB., Babarinsa I.A. Adewole IF (1998). Day-care Diagnostic
Laparoscopy in Infertility Evaluation. Nig. Qt. J. Hosp. Med. Vol. 8
(4) 288-290.
5. Olaore JA, Shittu L, Adewole IF (1999). Intravesical Lippes Loop
following insertion for the treatment of Asherman’s syndrome: A case
report. Afr. J. Med & Med Sci. 28 : 207-208.
6. Odukogbe AA, Onifade RA, Adewole IF, Adesina AO, Awolude OA (2001)
Recto-vaginal and vesico-vaginal communications following coital
injury. J. Obst. Gynaec. 21 : 315-316.
7. Oladokun A, Babarinsa IA, Adewole IF. (2002) The deficient Perineum
– Oblique presentation of a clinically obvious anomaly.
Trop.J.Obs.Gynae.31: 267-269.
8. I.F.(1991). Effective Communication and Medical Practice. Niger.
Med. J. Vol. 21; No. 21: 59-60.
9. Ogunbiyi AO, Adewole IF, Ogunleye O, Ogunbiyi JO, Ogunseinde, OO,
Baiyeroju-Agbeja A. (2003) Focal dermal hypoplasia: a case report and
review of literature. W. Afr J Med 22:346-349.
10. The International HapMap Consortium. Integrating Ethics and
Science in the International HapMap Project. Nature Review
Genetics.2004; 5:467-475.
11. Olapade-Olaopa EO, Alonge TO, Amanor-Boadu SD, Sanusi AA, Alese
Ob, Omisanjo OO, Adeyinka AO, Sanya AO, Ogunbunmi P, Adewole IF
(2005).On-site physicians at major sporting event in Nigeria. Pre-
hospital and Disaster Medicine. 21(1): 40-45.
12. The International Hapmap Consortium (2005). A haplotype map of the
human genome. Nature 437:1299-1320.
13. Pardis C. Sabeti, Patrick Varilly, Ben Fry, Jason Lohmueller1,
Elizabeth Hostetter, Chris Cotsapas, Xiaohui Xie, Elizabeth H. Byrne,
Steven A. McCarroll, Rachelle Gaudet, Stephen F. Schaffner, Eric S.
Lander & The International HapMap Consortium.Genome-wide detection and
characterization of positive selection in human populations.Nature
449, 913-918 (18 October 2007).
14. International HapMap Consortium.A second generation human
haplotype map of over 3.1 million SNPs.Nature 449, 851-861 (18 October
15. Eyelade OR, Akinyemi JO, Adewole IF. Patient’s perception and
knowledge of anaesthesia and anaesthetists – a questionnaire survey.
S. Afr. J. Anaesthesiol Analg 2010; 16 (4); 28-31
1. Cervical Cancer in Nigeria: A Preventable Problem, University of
Ibadan Medical Students Association (UIMSA) 1995 Guest Lecture.
April, 1995.
2. Reproductive Health and Sustainable Development- The Missing MDG
37th Interdisciplinary Research Discourse. Postgraduate School,
University of Ibadan.18th September, 2007.
3. Infection and Cancer. The Triumph of Science over Disease and
Death. 2nd Dr Chinyere Aneziokoro Memorial Lecture. The College of
Health Sciences, University of Benin.25th September, 2008.
4. The Challenges of Anti-Retroviral Therapy in Developing Countries.
Advanced ART Training Course, APIN Plus. Ikoyi, Lagos. April 2009.
5. Women and Viruses: A Matter of Life and Death: 2nd Prof Bolanle
Awe’s Inspirational Lecture. University of Ibadan, May 2009.
6. Reflections on Higher Education in Nigeria. Lecture delivered at
77th Founder’s day ceremony of Ilesa Grammar School, Ilesa. 5th
February, 2011
7. Africa and Cancer: Preparing for the next Epidemic. Nigerian
Academy of Science Quarterly Public Lecture delivered at the Afe
Babalola lecture Theatre, University of Lagos, Lagos. 27th January,
8. Nigeria. An Entity in Search of Nationhood. Lecture delivered to
commemorate the 78th Birthday of Sir (Dr) Chief Gabriel Osawaru
Igbinedion. 7th September,2012
9. What Next? Valedictory Lecture delivered at the 2013 Valedictory
Service and Graduation Ceremony of Life at Bodija International
College, Bodija, Ibadan. 13th July, 2013
10. Nigerian University System: Matters Arising. Lecture delivered at
the investiture of Prince Adejuwon Akinfolurin as the 1st Class
President, Rotary Club of Ikeja GRA. 25th August, 2010
From Womb to Tomb: Protecting the Gate from the Crab. Inaugural
lecture delivered on behalf of the Faculty of Clinical Sciences and
Dentistry, University of Ibadan. 30th November, 2000.
1. Ajayi AB, Oladokun A, Ogundepo OM, Morhason-Bello IO, Adewole IF.
HIV prevalence among couples undergoing assisted reproduction
techniques. (Fc 2.15.8) Federation of International Society of
Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Conference (Malaysia 2006).
2. Oladokun A, Ajayi AB, Ogundepo MO, Morhason-Bello IO, Adewole IF.
Asymptomatic Chlamydial infection and semen quality among Nigerian
men. (WP132).Federation of International Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics (FIGO) Conference (Malaysia 2006).
3. Babafemi Taiwo, B Chaplin, J Stanton, S. Meloni, S Akanmu, W
Gashau, J Idoko, I Adewole6, R Murphy, and P Kanki.
Etravirine-resistance Mutations in Patients with Virologic Failure on
Nevirapine or Efavirenz-based HAART.15th conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) Session 136.
4. Oladokun A, Morhason-Bello IO, Adewole IF, Miller D, Michelle F.
The learning curve of radical hysterectomy for early stage cervical
carcinoma: lessons from operation stop cervical cancer project
activities. Presented at the 42nd Annual Scientific Conference of the
Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON), 19th – 22nd
November, 2008. Tropical Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2008:25
S1: S3.
5. Oladokun, A Fadare, AA Odukogbe, IO Morhason-Bello, IF Adewole, OA
Ojengbede. Acceptance of epidural analgesia for labour pains by
Nigerian pregnant patients attending antenatal clinics. (Fc4.25.5).
6. Adesina O, Akinyemi O, Oladokun A, Adewole IF, kanki P. Prevalence
of Syphilis positive pregnant women in South West Nigeria . 42nd
Annual Scientific Conference of the Society of Gynaecology and
Obstetrics of Nigeria. Enugu, Nigeria. 18-22 November, 2008.
7. Awolude O.A; Akinyemi O.J; Irabor A.E; Odaibo G; Aken`Ova Y.A,
Olaleye O.D; Adewole I.F; Phyllis Kanki Sexual Practice among People
Living With HIV at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria.
15th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa (ICASA 2008)
Dakar, Senegal: 3rd – 8th December 2008.(AbstractBook pg 33).
8. Isaac Adewole, Solomon Sagay, Oliver Ezechi, Seema Meloni, Toyin J
olayemi, Sunday Ochigbo, Olutosin Awolude, Stephen Oguche, Zaidat
Adesola Musa, Prosper Okonkwo, Phyllis Kanki. Rate and Predictors of
Mother-to-Child Transmission in Large Antiretroviral Treatment
Scale-Up Program in Nigeria. 15th International Conference on AIDS &
STIs in Africa (ICASA 2008) Dakar, Senegal:3rd – 8th December
2008.(Abstract Book pg 115-116).
9. O.A. Awolude, O.A. Adesina, W.B. Mutiu, A. Oladokun, A.O.Roberts,
I.F. Adewole, P. Kanki. Microbial Isolates and Antibiotic Sensitivity
Pattern In HIV Positive Pregnant Women with Asymptomatic Bacteriuria.
15th International Conference on AIDS & STIs in Africa (ICASA 2008)
Dakar, Senegal: 3rd – 8th December 2008. (Abstract Book pg 128).
10. Morhason-Bello IO, Awolude OA, Adesina OA, Okolo CA, Oladokun A,
Adewole IF, Kanki P. Pattern of premalignant cervical lesions among
women living with HIV in Ibadan Nigeria. Presented at XV International
Conference on Aids and STI in Africa, Dakar Senegal December, 2008.
11. Akinola T, Morhason-Bello IO, Adesina OA, Awolude OA, Oladokun A,
Ochigbo S, Adewole IF, Kanki P. Impact of Social Support in a PMTCT
programme: An experience from south western Nigeria. International
Aids Conference, South Africa, 2009.
12. Akinwunmi BO, Morhason-Bello IO, Akinyemi JO, Okolo CA, Adesina
OA, Awolude OA, Oladokun A, Adewole IF, Kanki P. Premalignant cervical
lesions in treatment experienced HIV positive women. Accepted for ORAL
presentation at the 2009 Federation of International Gynecology and
Obstetrics (FIGO) Cape Town, South Africa, 2009.
13. Morhason-Bello, IO, Oladokun A, Adedokun BO, Adesina OA, Awolude
OA, Aimakhu CO, Okolo CA, Akinwunmi BO, Adewole IF. Introduction of
human papilloma virus vaccine in a low resource setting: a survey of
the views of Nigerian Gynaecologists. Accepted for ORAL presentation
at the 2009 Federation of International Gynecology and Obstetrics
(FIGO) Cape Town, South Africa, 2009.
14. Babafemi Taiwo, Beth Chaplin, SeemaMeloni, Jenny Stanton,
SulaimonAkanmu, Isaac Adewole, John Idoko, Robert Murphy, Phyllis
Kanki. Etravirine Resistance Mutations in Patients With Virologic
Failure on Nevirapine or Efavirenz-based HAART.Conference on
Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Boston Mx. 3-6 Feb 2008.
Abs 867.
15. Seema Meloni, Ernest Ekong, Dan Onwujekwe, Charles Okany, Isaac
Adewole, Reuben Nkado, Wadzani Gashau, Haruna Muktar, John Idoko,
Robert Murphy, Phyllis Kanki. Viral Suppression Rates Higher in
Females versus Males in Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria Program.Conference on
Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Montreal, Canada. 10-12
February, 2009.
16. Adewole IF, Sagay AS, Meloni S, Jolayemi T, Ochigbo S, Awolude OA,
Oguche S, Okonkwo P, Kanki P. Mother’s Prophylaxis Regimen Strongly
Predicts Risk of Early Mother-to-Child Transmission in Large ART
Program in Nigeria. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic
Infections. Montreal, Canada. 10-12 February, 2009.
17. Rawizza Holly, OCHIGBO Sunny,MELONI Seema, KOCH Elizabeth,OGUCHE
Stephen, ADEWOLE Isaac, OSINUSI Kike, EKONG Ernest, KANKI Phyllis.
Prevalence of Malnutrition, Wasting, and Stunting Among HIV-Infected
Children in the Harvard PEPFAR Nigeria Antiretroviral Treatment
Program. Poster Abstract P_25 1st International Workshop on HIV
Pediatrics 17-18 July 2009.
18. Awolude Olutosin , Oladokun Adesina, Adesina Olubukola , Adewole
Isaac, Okunlola, Biola .Fertility desire and unsafe sexual practice
among People Living with HIV. XIX FIGO World Congress, CapeTown South
Africa. 4-9 October, 2009.
19. Awolude Olutosin, Oladokun Adesina, Adesina, Mutiu, W, Adewole
Isaac Asymptomatic Bacteria Among HIV positive Pregnant Women. XIX
FIGO World Congress, Cape Town South Africa.4-9 October, 2009.
20. Akinwunmi BO., Morhason-Bello IO, Akinyemi JO, Okolo CA, Adesina
AO, Awolude OA, Oladkun A, Adewole IF, kanki P. Premalignant Cervical
cancer lesions in the Treatment Experienced HIV Positive Women. XIX
FIGO World Congress, Cape Town South Africa. 4-9 October, 2009.
21. Morhason-Bello IO, Oladokun A, Adedokun BO, Adesina OA, Awolude
OA, Aimaku CO, Okolo CA, Akinwunmi BO, Adewole IF. Introduction of
Human Papilloma Virus vaccine in a Low Resource Setting: A survey of
the views of Nigerian Gynaecologists. XIX FIGO World Congress,
CapeTown South Africa. 4-9 October, 2009.

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