Follow These 3 Simple Ways to Enrich Your Daily Devotion!

Spending an hour or two in the presence of God sounds impossible to many believers, and the thought frightens others who ask, What will I be doing? Well, exactly what you will be doing in eternity, so it’s best to practice here in time. Instead of hurriedly reading a verse or chapter of the Bible, scanning a devotional and mumbling a few routine prayers every single day, here are a few ways to infuse your quiet time with new life.
1. Sacred Songs: No, not necessarily the Sacred Songs and Solos hymn book (although that works), but simply singing spiritual songs, making melody unto the Lord (Eph 5:19). When you start practicing the art of offering praise to God and worshipping Him in music, you will find that you cannot praise Him enough. Prayer isn’t about asking God for stuff all the time. Make out time to really praise and worship Him for all he has done, and most of all, for who He is. You can also sing Psalms- they were actually written to be chanted and sung, not read.
Practical tip: Make a playlist of praise songs, followed by worship songs (you can collect from friends or download online) and take the device with you into your prayer closet. Behind closed doors, you can play and sing along, or simply sit and take in the music while your heart worships. When youâre in the Spirit, time won’t be uppermost on your mind. If youâre musically gifted, memorise a Psalm and then sing it with a tune of your choice in His presence.
2. Pray for Others: It is the immature believer who prays only for himself. If you believe that an hour is too much for you to talk to God about your plans, your needs and your purpose, then as soon as youâre done with that you should also bring your family and friends before Him.
Practical tip: Take a sheet of paper or a notepad and make an intercession list. We all have friends desiring the blessing of marriage, children, new jobs, financial breakthrough, healing, and freedom from addiction or abuse. We have loved ones who have not yet come to know Christ, and Jesus said, No one comes to Me except the Father draws Him. Make intercession part of your life. Write their names and needs down, and pray for them.
3. Meditate: To sit quietly in the presence of God and ponder His goodness, His mercy, His greatness, His forgiveness, His love and His holiness, turning His Word and His promises around in your heart and affirming them with your lips, is a surefire way to feed your spirit and pave the way for success in life.
Practical Tip: Next time you’re reading the Psalms and you see Selah, take time to actually selah: pause, and calmly think on the verse. If you’re reading other portions of the Bible, pick a verse as you go- praise to God, a promise to stand on, or an instruction to obey- and repeat it quietly as you think of the ways in which it applies to your life.
Spend time with God!

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